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  • mike4id21

War is a fool's errand

Updated: Sep 22, 2022

We have become a people addicted to violence. We glorify death and destruction in entertainment, recreation and popular culture. Violence is so ingrained in our psyche that we don't even feel repulsed when we see violence in real life anymore.

We have done away with most of the stopgaps that were designed into our system to prevent war. We no longer declare war, we have kinetic military operations. We no longer raise an army, we keep the most powerful and destructive standing army in the world. We don't even have a plan for ending war when we go to war anymore.

For twenty years we've been at war with an idea. We've invaded countries, we've learned to kill by remote control, we've become numb to the cost of war and we deny that anything we do is an act of war while we're doing it.

Restricting the Federal Governments ability to call on our national guard, the States Army, to prosecute their endless wars is a good first step to making unjust, unpopular wars harder to enter. We should send a clear message to the Federal Government that Idahoans are ready and able to defend our State and Country from aggression but we are not willing to use the tools of destruction to promote our economic interests or expand the American empire into more innocent soveriegn countries that present no threat to our homeland.

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