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  • mike4id21

It’s past time to change

Updated: Sep 22, 2022

We're all well aware of the recent inflation and especially the obscene increases in gas and food costs. What some refuse to acknowledge, and you know better, is that this is a direct and obvious result of foreign policy, domestic policy and monetary policy failure on the part of the Democratic Party and the Republican Party.

They chose to slam the brakes on a good economy to mitigate a pandemic that was caused by a virus fabricated in China and payed for by America. They shut down domestic energy production in the name of climate protection, a good intention but a terrible execution! They have engaged in unneccesary wars under false pretense for over 50 years, killing and maiming our kids and causing havoc and violence around the world because their lack of diplomatic talent and economic knowledge limits their ability to peacefully adminster either.

Both parties have engaged in unrestricted economic warfare against the people of the United States. They have destroyed the currency and limited your ability to use any other means of wealth storage and transfer. They have criminalized normal human behavior and ensured that at any time for any reason you are a criminal, commiting at least 3 federal crimes a day for which ou can be fined, imprisoned or both, on the whim of a federal prosecuter or politician who views you as threat to their power.

It is well past time to unseat these blood soaked monsters and dethrone these self-made monarchs of destruction. It is incumbent on all of us to make a last stand to preserve a peaceful society and restore order and decency before it's too late. Whether you choose to continue to vote Republican or Democrat and prolong and empower the dupoly of destruction or vote for a "third party" to calm the waters and restore individual liberty and peaceful congress with the international community, you must seriously consider voting out all incumbents and begin the process of dismantling the current machine of death and cut away the neccrotized flesh.

The fields must be plowed up and fallowed for a moment before we can plant anew.

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