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A law for everything to put evil in its place.


Updated: Sep 22, 2022

It's a sad state of affairs in Idaho, and the world for that matter. We have somehow become convinced that the only way to address a problem is to pass a law and use the force of the State to bend people's behavior into somebody's 's idea of "good".

One of the natural results of this has been the rise of political parties. The parties make grand promises of "fixing the problem" or "stopping the evil doers" or " making (insert political subdivision) great again!" The problem is, when you have two or more groups making the same claim, they all see themselves as being the "good" one and the other is, by neccesity, the "evil-doer".

In Idaho that means the Democrats are evil for pushing their Critical Race Theory and Pro LGTB agenda on children in our precious public schools and the Republicans are evil for making abortion illegal and burning librarians at the stake for whatever thing they want to do. Who's right? Is it good that as the ideological pendulum swings, as it always does, that one group will undo all the laws and rules in the State to align the moral posture to their ideal, and the other group will rebel and swing the pendulum even further towards their ideal when it's their turn?

Is the place of government to enforce a moral order on society? I say, absolutely not! The proper function of government is to protect against violations of its citizens natural rights and agreed upon privileges. A government is necessarily instituted to provide for the collective's general safety and security, to allow individuals the breathing room to build relationships and to aid in the protection of property and to allow for the pursuit of each individual's ideal on their own terms. Government is meant to provide a convenient mechanism to enforce contracts and to administer the communities sense of justice in cases of trespass.

What we actually have is a tyranny of a ruling class that alternates its morality and disrupts the natural order of human relationships by imposing threats of violence on "deviants" and non-conforming ideas. We have theocrats, technocrats, compassionate progressives, conservative corporatists and those who only seek power to enrich themselves by creating artificial conditions that benefit themselves. Our nation was created on a simple set of principles, Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness, we have, by means of factional feuds, become a nation of distrustful, suspicious and fearful combantants, locked in a perpetual war of intangibles.

I believe we would all be better off under a system of very few laws that guide society according to a generalized set of universal values. Those universal values do exist. Every reasonable person believes it's wrong to kill another person without cause. We all agree that taking something that belongs to someone else is wrong. We all agree that we want to worship, or not, the Deity of our own choosing. These few things are universal and can all be reduced to a general philosophy of "Do as you will, that you harm none."

We do not need, nor should we desire a law to address every eventuality. A law is inflexible and cannot be appealed to for reason. A law precludes compromise and understanding, it presumes that human beings are incapable of holding divergent values and still agree not to trespass each other. With a law for everything, there must be a class of people we set aside for the express purpose of committing acts of violence against us. How do we reconcile that permissive violence against our intention of order and peace?

We should be focused on having faith that we are rational and intelligent people who want the same fundamental things; we want to live peacefully and prosper in our choices without fear of random violence. Repealing laws and abolishing rules that do not serve those ends should be our focus. We would all be better off with fewer laws and rules and regulations, with more agreement and more "mind your own business".


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